Spacious Home Blend
To lighten up for an upcoming move, I’ve hired Kacy Paide of The Inspired Office. (She’s a great follow on Instagram and on YouTube too). I’ve known Kacy for over 10 years, and she’s outstanding. Always upbeat, she intuits space solutions and sees innovative answers. And bears witness with kindness and embodies that can-do attitude.
While we work, I fire up this aromatherapy blend to emotionally support me during this difficult time of grieving for my father and of preparing for a tricky move.
I’m inspired to share this blend now because everyone I know is binge-watching The Home Edit on Netflix. This aroma helps with focus, with letting go and with all the emotional stuff that can come up when decluttering and creating space (like that judgy stuff of “what on earth were you thinking???)
Since we really can not travel yet, now is a perfect time to set up our home space like a luxury hotel. Also, in Ayruveda, Fall is the perfect time for shedding!
So blend up this mix of aromatherapy. Fire up your favorite tunes and get editing your home and belongings. And then you’ll can reap the benefits, while you enjoy your perfect staycation. Discover all you need to prepare and avoid the 10 most common mistakes with our gorgeous FREE Staycation Guide (with a bonus checklist and also mini-vacays to quickly uplift a dreary day).
the oil of cleansing
Lemongrass is the foundation of any de-cluttering blend because it’s the oil of cleansing. The aroma deeply cleanses energy and helps us to release limiting beliefs, negativity and toxicity. This oil also fosters an ability to release material things and to let go of past issues. When you’re feeling dark and full of despair, this oil supports feelings of clarity, simplicity and non-attachment.
the oil of focus
I don’t know about you, but sometimes when I start to decluttering one thing leads to another and I look up and half my home is upside down. Lemon helps us stay focused and rational so one drawer doesn’t lead to another. This scent will not only boost your energy, but keep you in line so you’re not wasting it. It adds a dash of joy and freshness too, which is pivotal when you’re decluttering.
the oil of motion and flow
Cypress is so powerful to shift stagnation and create a powerful flow (of items you don’t need out your door!) The aroma supports us in releasing not just things but our past selves that are no longer serving us. This scent is especially helpful to counteract perfectionism and rigidity. Cypress will keep us flexible and fearless and trusting so we can just relax and flow with life.
the oil of self-acceptance.
Sometimes when we dive into cleaning up and organizing our space, a lot of shame can come up. We can judge ourselves harshly. Bergamot promotes self-acceptance and self-esteem and so is an integral part of this blend. The aroma can also boost our confidence and optimism for the future, which in turn helps us to release things and not hold on to material things out of fear. We feel assured that all will be okay.
Try it and let me know what you think in the comments. Wishing you an easy, beautiful home that nourishes you as a wellspring as we shift into fall. Enjoy!
Additional Resources
Hire Kacy Paide here. She does virtual sessions too!
The Washington Post recently featured Kacy’s pantry in Make your cooking life easier with these simple steps for an organized pantry.
10 Pro Organizers Share Their Hero Products for Tidy Pantries - from Domino
Organize Your Way To A Healthy Kitchen - from Done and Done Home
This is What Happens to Your Brain When You Declutter Your Home - from Domino